Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Need to Get Better at Doing This... written up in the Palo Alto Weekly

So recently I got written up in the Palo Alto Weekly. I didn't blog about it because I felt weird about that, but I just decided that I ought to. Since no one reads my blog anyway, I'm safe!

Here's the bigger version, sans photo of me in fur bikini/close-up of schnoz and gap tooth.

The interviewer calls me "gregarious and funny," and says, "It's not uncommon for English teachers to spark a lifelong love of the theater in students. But not all students repay the favor by writing their educators into a play."

That's what I did in my play, "Seventh Grade Freaks." It's available for pre-order on Just go here. If you get it eventually (it supposedly comes out in January) please let me know what you think!


Riding Falkor

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