Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ellen Degeneres on Leno Says NO to Prop 8! Vote NO on Prop 8!!

I love Ellen!!! What a hero. When Ellen went on Leno on September 30, 2008, she took the time to ask voters to say NO to Proposition 8.

For some reason I couldn't get the video anymore on youtube, but other sites have.

Here is the transcript from Towleroad:

Ellen DeGeneres appeared on The Tonight Show last night and voiced her opposition to Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage.

Ellen_jayDEGENERES: "They are trying to stop gay people from marrying, like somehow Portia and I staying at home watching Dancing with the Stars is affecting anybody..."

LENO: "I come from Massachusetts, and they've had it in Massachusetts for a long time, and it's fine. The world doesn't collapse. You know, I go to West Hollywood — people know that it's the gay area. The nicest area, the cleanest area, the safest area. The economy is falling apart, I don't care what you do!"

DEGENERES: "That's exactly right. I look at the people who are losing their homes and they're foreclosing, and people in Texas who have lost homes. There are so many people that need money right now – and if you’re raising millions of dollars – give it to those people, please, because you don’t need to promote hate."

I have donated money before to the NCLR, Obama, and now to NO on Prop 8, but one of the things I've never done is volunteer for a political campaign or Proposition. This week I felt so inspired I went to volunteer and phonebank at the NO on 8 headquarters in the Castro. If ignorant and unloving people in Utah making phone calls that are persuading undecided voters, and these Utah callers are going to dictate the rest of my life- then how can I become a bystander in what could be the biggest fight of my life? If people in UTAH are going to determine whether I can or cannot marry the person I love, how can I sit here and complain and say I did everything I could, if I, in fact, did not? The answer is, I can't. I cannot sit here and watch as my future and my legal rights get stripped away from me. Rights that have been granted by the State Supreme Court of California, and which we've had for a mere four months!

So I went out. I made phone calls. I gave money on Sunday to the proposition. I spoke to several undecided people, as well as some who were supporters of the NO on Prop 8 stance.

But seriously, we need to stand up for our rights. If not, we'll be restricted to figurative the "back of the bus" in terms of our civil liberties, and we don't want that, do we? VOTE NO ON PROP 8!

And, don't forget to register!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I think I've finally been moved to get active, too. Well done.